My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I received At Water's Edge free from We ♥ YA Books! and the author S. McPherson in exchange of my honest review.
"They say love can cross oceans but can it cross worlds?"
I am not much of a sci-fi reader and has been facing some difficulties getting into it, so tried out At Water's Edge as an experiment. I am happy with my decision since I am now seriously pumped about picking up more sci-fi books.
I am truly mesmerized by S.McPherson's writing. Her use of language, words, imageries has definitely touched my heart. I will be eagerly waiting for her to write more books. If you are reading this SM, please consider my request. :-)
Now coming to the plot of the book. It was fun and interesting and I was hooked on from the starting to the end though I had to read it slow due to a few work commitments. Dezaray is a not so perfect girl as she suffers from guilt due to her parent's death. She has an abusive brother at home who becomes difficult each day. She also considers herself paranoid due to these weird premonitions she has regarding weird stuff. But when one days her premonitions come true and she comes face to face with her other worldly extra terrestrial doppelgänger Lexoria, all hell break loose.
Dezaray falls into a portal and is transformed to the world of Lex which has magic, kingdoms, prince and princesses in it. She meets Milo there who shows her for the first time what love feels like. Now Lex who is left back on Earth has to adapt to Dezaray's life and pretend to be her twin. What she did not expect was to love living on Earth along with a boy named Nathaniel. But everything can't be well for a long time. A plot twist is definitely required to take the story forward. So what happens next is something that the readers have to read and find out.
The ending was nice, something I was routing for. Definitely intrigued to read the other books in the series. A good read and perfect for readers willing to try out the sci-fi genre.
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