My rating: 5 of 5 stars
'That's right', he said. 'Humans don't exist on the same level as the immortals. They can't even be hurt by our weapons. But you, Percy - you are part god, part human. You live in both worlds. You can be harmed by both, and you can affect both. That's what makes heroes so special. You carry the hopes of humanity into the realm of the eternal. Monsters never die. They are reborn from the chaos and barbarism that is always bubbling underneath civilization, the very stuff that makes Kronos stronger. They must be defeated again and again, kept at bay. Heroes embody that struggle. You fight the battles humanity must win, every generation, in order to stay human. Do you understand?'
'I . . . I don't know.'
That is what is the speciality of our mighty demi-god Percy Jackson, you can never drop a book once you start reading of his adventures. Cheers to Rick Riordan for cooking up such a world entangled with Greek mythology, friendship, family, heroism, love and life. I guess it is pretty obvious that I loved The Sea Of Monsters. How can I not love it? It is fresh, witty, sarcastic and gripping from cover to cover.
I am liking the direction the story is taking. A Prophecy by the Oracle is soon going to seal the fate of Olympus (which happens to be hanging above The Empire State Building) and the Titan Lord Kronos. Kronos is desperate to regain his body to destroy Olympus and the Western Civilization as we know of it. In his visions he is using Luke, the estranged son of Hermes who is angry on the gods for abandoning their mortal children. He is not even aware of the fact that the vicious Titan Lord does not care about anyone and will chuck out Luke from the scene once his wishes have come true.
Kronos plays his cards and the Golden Fleece once lost in history is revived by Percy, Annabeth, Tyson (Percy's half brother a.k. a Cyclops) and Clarisse and is used to heal the tree of Thalia, who had died protecting her fellow campers. But unknowingly the Golden Fleece works its magic and Thalia, the daughter of Zeus is reincarnated. Now two players have been introduced as baits in the game. Two children of the Big Three, now what happens next is for the readers to find out.
There is no use going into details about the adventures of the campers of Half-Blood Camp in this book. It is for each and every Percy Jackson lover to find out. I am mesmerized by Percy's half-brother and a Cyclops Tyson. I am interested to find out what role he is destined to be playing in the rest of the books. I am sure he will be coming back soon. Another thing which I liked was that the old animosity in between the Gods for stupid reasons are being resolved by their 21st Century children. They are learning to fight as a team especially Percy (son of Poseidon), Annabeth (daughter of Athena) and Clarisse (daughter of Ares).
I am looking forward to read The Titan's Curse soon enough as I need to know what happens next like just at this moment.
P.S. I would die to have a teacher like Chiron but alas I have never met one like him yet.
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